the porous city

"People call it experimental music, but I don't. I know what I'm doing." --Harry Partch

I'll be playing a super-experimental ambient set this Wednesday for Signals and Systems, at MIT's Thirsty Ear pub, right where Mass Ave meets the Charles. $7 pitchers of beer, $2.50 for a bottle of Sam. Here's a recent playlist if you want to check the flava:

Biosphere - Le Grande Dôme/Nook and Cranny/Grandiflore
Reinhard Voigt - Hier und Jetzt
The Firesign Theater - Waiting for the Electrician or Someone Like Him
Peter Green - The Sinister Plot
Figurera - elehqn
Rhythm and Sound w/ Tikiman - Never Tell You (version)
Plaid - Eshish
Stravinsky - Round of the Princesses (Khorovod) - Arranged by Isao Tomita
Bola - W.i.K
Esem - Postledd
Boards of Canada - Everything You Do Is A Balloon
Prefuse 73 - 7th Message

And here's a 45-minute mp3 of the Sunday afternoon bedroom set.

last modified: 16:37:32 17-Jun-2002
in categories:Music/Mixes, Music/Events, Music/Boston


What's your DJ name, DJ?

posted by scz

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scz: sometimes I go by samsaric. This time I think the e-flyers have me as Lukas Bergstrom.

posted by Lukas Bergstrom mail homepage

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